For any additional questions not found in this FAQ, please contact Lori Moon
NOTE: The Spring Tour is NOT official until responses from the Mandatory Student Registration are received and reviewed. Please fill out the Student Registration by September 27, 2017. An official announcement will be made shortly after this due date.
I heard the spring tour usually begins the week leading into spring break. Why is it in the middle of spring break this year?
Due to a personal event happening the first weekend of spring break for Mr. Switzer, we opted to move the tour to the next available cruise date of Fri April 14.
What colleges/universities will you be touring?
In the past we have visited Cal State Fullerton, UC Irvine, and Cal State Long Beach. Once we have secured a firm date and time with the directors of 2 schools, we will post that information on the Spring Tour 2018 page.
We are planning a trip to Southern California during the beginning of spring break. Can my student meet you at Long Beach?
We prefer all students attending the tour begin and end with the full trip. Being part of an instrumental ensemble is much like a team sport and this tour is a “team event”. Missing a member during a workshop, clinic or performance can affect the entire team. And having your student being a member from the beginning until the end of the trip will ensure that they will have the most enjoyable experience with their teammates through all the workshops and college tours, as well as the cruise.
My student has food allergies and food restrictions. What does Carnival Cruise provide?
“Special diet requirements may be requested at least 2 weeks prior to sailing. You should discuss the method of preparation of menu items with your Waiter or Head Waiter. There may be limitations in our ability to accommodate special orders. Kosher meals are not available.”
(For planning purposes we ask for any requests 4 weeks prior to the tour)
“Food Items must be pre-packaged and unopened; homemade items or pre-cooked foods will not be permitted onboard. Limitations on permitted food items are directly related to concerns for food safety and contamination prevention. We are unable to provide food preparation, refrigeration or storage for personal food or beverage items.”
For more information :
Carnival’s Liquor and Beverage Policy states that guests are prohibited from bringing water, sodas, and other non-alcoholic beverages onboard that are packaged in bottles.
“We know some of our guests are accustomed to bringing onboard their own supply of bottled water, so for your convenience, purified bottled water can be pre-purchased prior to your cruise by visiting The FunShops(to order on-line). Water will be delivered to your stateroom on embarkation day. Bottled water may also be purchased onboard by contacting Room Service.”
Is there WI-FI service?
There is WI-FI service on the bus we will be using for the trip down and back from Southern California.
Carnival does have WI-FI service but at a cost. For more information:
Generally we encourage the students to lock their phones in the cabin safe while on board and enjoy the old fashion world of person to person dialogue. Funny but asking past students what they remember about this trip they recall “no cell phones on the ship”. But did go on to say it was nice to just talk with friends.
As not to incur any roaming costs to your personal wireless service, we also tell the students to place their phones on Airplane mode.
Will there be other performing groups on the ship?
The cruise is open to other schools/groups as well as general paying passengers. Since it is during the spring break time of year, there could be several schools aboard the ship.
Why do we need near 18 chaperones?
If all students from the 3 performing groups attend the tour (about 140 students), and we require at least 1 chaperone per 8 students (as well as Carnival Cruise), then we would need approximately 18 chaperones.
How many students will be rooming together? How many chaperones per room?
We have 4 students per room/cabin. Due to uneven numbers, on occasion we may have a room/cabin of 3 students. Most chaperones room 2 together but for an additional cost may room alone.
Can a family join the cruise?
Yes. You may book directly with Carnival Cruise for your family.
I want to chaperone can I book my cruise with my family?
No. As a group tour we will be booking for the directors, students, and chaperones. Carnival will pre-assign
cabins for the group where chaperones’ cabins must be near/next to their assigned students.
If I chaperone, will I have time to spend with my family?
We would love Carlmont families to join the cruise, but as a chaperone, there is first an obligation to the students and the tour. There will be times we will require your presence to assist with performances, taking turns to “man” the chaperone table (a place where students know an adult is available for them) and walk the ship as we monitor our students. We will also have chaperone meetings. There will be some down time for your own family, but again, our priority is for the safety of our students.
I want to chaperone but my son/daughter is objecting.
We make a point not to have a chaperone assigned to their own son/daughter. We also try to place chaperones on a different bus than their student.
Can we fundraise to help defer costs of the trip? Does Music Boosters offer scholarships?
Absolutely! Students can personally fundraise on their own. Some students even work the summer prior, in anticipation for this tour. As a group we are always looking for an energetic parent to take the lead with a fundraiser. During past tour years, a parent had led a fundraiser selling Poinsettias for the holidays. They typically were delivered during the winter concerts, and made a beautiful holiday display on stage while our students performed. At the end of the concert parents picked up their plants. We would love any new ideas!
Music Boosters does offer a limited number of scholarships. Please contact Mr. DaBaldo with any questions